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[³ìÃë: ÇÇÅÍ ÆÇŸ ºÎÂ÷°üº¸]”We no longer carry those. We no longer have them. The smallest we are actually discussing at this current moment is a sea launched cruise missiles”

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[³ìÃë: ÇÇÅÍ ÆÇŸ ºÎÂ÷°üº¸] “There is a reason we are looking at and pressing hard for sea launched cruise missile. It allows you to carry nuclear weapons into theater to other theater. It is not that we don’t have capabilities but we need to fill some of these.


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[³ìÃë: ÇÇÅÍ ÆÇŸ ºÎÂ÷°üº¸] “Is it tactical? No. Is it theater Yes. Does it extend deterrence? Yes. It’s most advantage of a sea launched cruise missile is having something that you don’t know whether it is on your coast or not. Is that the highest advantage? Absolutely!”


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[³ìÃë: ÇÇÅÍ ÆÇŸ ºäÂ÷°üº¸] “The way we look at it is.. The more we can provide in an assured deterrence and an extended deterrence the less proliferation will go on around the world. It is not that we are worried about the allies. We are worried about that technology spreading”


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[³ìÃë: ÇÇÅÍ ÆÇŸ ºÎÂ÷°üº¸]”We meet once a week alright? We meet from the offense and defense side. Alright so it is an integrated defense. We have a nuclear deterrent and then we have our missile defense systems”


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[³ìÃë: ÇÇÅÍ ÆÇŸ ºÎÂ÷°üº¸] “At this point the capability is being upgraded in a rapid rate, the systems are actually ahead of testing and they are doing very well.”


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[³ìÃë: ÇÇÅÍ ÆÇŸ ºÎÂ÷°üº¸] ”I don’t want to comment on the number of North Korean Facilities. That is held in a higher classification and that would be remised if I wanted to even hinting how many facilities they might have. We have 2 nuclear facilities may be.”


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VOA ´º½º ±èµ¿ÇöÀÔ´Ï´Ù. [Ãâó: VOA https://www.voakorea.com/a/4930244.html]


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